Am I back?

I have not posted on this blog in 2 years. This is linked to my Instagram account which is the only social media I am regularly using. Today I had a thought that I wanted to write about and even now, I am hesitating to share it here. My writing has not ceased. In fact, I have written a lot over the last 2 years, using a pen and paper. Some of it has been reflective like most of the content you find here. Other entries are basic journaling and processing. The majority of my writing has been and continues to be — poetry.

My thought was around “dismembered spirituality.” In a lot of ways my faith walk has not been a walk at all and finally I feel like I am walking. I don’t mean that I have talked the talked but not walked the walk. What I am getting at is my expression and practice of spirituality has mainly been as a consumer of a lot of head knowledge. Don’t get me wrong. There is still plenty for me to learn and it is my intention to continue to be a life-long learner in life, in spirit, and in intellect. In the past year, I decided to stop going to worship with a pen in my hand.

Returning to the question at hand. “Am I back?” I am torn. I want to have a space to call my own on the internet where a good majority of the world hangs out. My decision is around these two questions: do I keep this blog? or do I convert it to a website and maintain the blog portion? I probably need to consider how much time I want to devote to whatever I decide to do. We could say, I am back for the moment.